
MasterCard and Buy Way bring MasterPass to Belgium
Apriva Provides Chip And Pin Cards For mPOS with Miura
Judo Payments Will Support Apple Pay UK launch
Optimal Payments Partners With RentMoola
Connective Opens Office in Netherlands
Vodafone Turkey Adds Eye Verification Tech To Mobile Wallet App
Compass Plus survey reveals industry expectations for mobile technology are immobile
Visa and FireEye Join Forces to Help Merchants
Visa Europe claims mobile payments will go mainstream within the next year
£2.3bn wasted by UK companies on non-EU international payments in 2014
MasterCard Announced Its Partnership With Premier Bank
ING and Equens introduce efficient alternative to existing mandates : Launch of first digital direct debit mandate
Allpay Storms Prepaid Awards
Google Buy Button Announcement - viewpoint from Skrill
PayPal's Braintree Will Support Android Pay Merchant Integration