Report: Embedding a Competitive Edge
- 01 Dec, 2023 03:00 am
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Two-thirds of merchants intend to consolidate their PSPs, some in the next 12 months, as the tough economic climate has created a growing need to crunch costs and become more strategically focused.
2023 Global Payments Report
- 26 Oct, 2023 06:00 am
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McKinsey’s latest Global Payments Report shares 2022 data from our proprietary m
Fintech Pathfinder 2023
- 06 Jun, 2023 06:00 am
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Who will be who? Welcome to the Fintech Pathfinder, an interactive database of fintech start-up companies that has been compiled since mid-2021 by Financial IT’s research team.
ComplyAdvantage Releases The Evolving Use Of Sanctions 2022 Report
- 25 Apr, 2022 06:00 am
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ComplyAdvantage, a global data technology company transforming fina
Cyber risk survey of issuers finds growing investments, but gaps in preparedness
- 01 Apr, 2022 09:00 am
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Our first-ever survey of the cybersecurity practices of global debt issuers shows that organizations across asset classes are becoming more vigilant about cyber threats and increasing their investments in this area.
2021 AML Trend Foresights for 28 Experts from 17 Different Countries
- 21 Jan, 2021 08:00 am
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While left 2020 behind, we see last year was challenging to fight against financial crime like all the other sectors. COVID-19 has affected many industries. The same challenges will likely occur in 2021 as the virus is still not losing its impact worldwide.
How can banks transform client onboarding?
- 14 Dec, 2020 06:00 am
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Client onboarding has become a key strategic focus for many financial institutions, driven by the need to reduce costs, increase efficiencies and manage risk.
2020 Mainframe Modernisation Business Barometer Report
- 28 May, 2020 03:00 am
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The report explores the global trends in the mainframe market, the challenges facing organisations and the case for application modernisation. What does the future hold for mainframe applications?
More Data & Faster Insights for Better Decision Making: SQream Offers Financial Services Professionals Free Guide for Best Practices in Data Management
- 22 Apr, 2020 01:00 am
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Banks and other financial services organizations have been investing in big data for years. From purchasing data, to collecting it at various points along the customer journey, they have an overabundance of valuable customer and even employee information at their fingertips.