
Major Trends in Global Financial Technology

Tim Alvner
CFO at Kuchi Inc

I am honored to have been invited to  see more

Is FinTech Jumping Into Bed With The Wrong Partner?

Gary Fegan
Financial Services Solutions at Fujitsu Digital

Recently there has been a spate of articles describing the symbiotic relationship between the established financial services sector and the FinTech challengers. see more

Can Fintech firms learn anything from Football?

Clare Walsh
Consultant at City-i

Leicester City are the supreme champions, having decisively booted away all the legacy teams that crossed their path, systematically vanquishing the challenges of the now not so mighty Spurs, Arsen see more

Regulating fintech: Protecting the market without smothering innovation

Dave Lewis
Director at Alpha Insight

With a wealth of new ideas and innovation continually coming to market, the UK’s financial technology sector is a very exciting place to be. see more

The Rise of Scottish Fintech

Sharon Hamilton
Director of Financial and Business Services at Scottish Enterprise

These days the term ‘Fintech’ rolls off the tongue of anyone involved in financial services. see more

3 FinTech pathways to becoming your SME customers' primary bank

Cesar J. Richardson
VP Sales And Operations (Americas) at Strands

In a recent survey 500 of small businesses across the US and UK, BCSG found that mobile & online banking has overtaken branches as the channel of choice for SMEs to receive financial services. see more

What if banking was as personalized as streaming music?

Victoria Yasinetskaya
Marketing Director at Strands

Banks have the chance to revolutionize finance just as Spotify has with music - but how can they use their Big Data advantage? see more

Fintech 2.0 – rebooting financial services

Mariano Belinky
Managing Partner at Santander InnoVentures

After struggling to gain traction, fintechs are now capturing a growing market share across financial services areas including ATMs, credit cards, securitisation and mobile banking. see more
