
Why Do Banking and Fintech Have a Future in Common?

Rubén Salazar Genovez
SVP, Head of Products & Solutions at Visa

Over the past 20 years, the biggest transformations in the payment industry have revolved around the physical characteristics of plastics and network security in terms of encryption methods, upgrad see more

Will Apple Bank be the first new American #Fintech Bank?

Chris Skinner
Chairman at Financial Services Club

On Wednesday the American Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)* followed up on its promise  see more

The Boy Who Cried Wolf! (#fintech Stylee)

Chris Skinner
Chairman at Financial Services Club

I remember organising my first banking conferences in the 1990s and there was a regular mantra amongst the memes of the folks speaking on stage. see more

The FinTech Wave

Chris Skinner
Financial commentator at

I wrote a blog the other day for  see more

Invisible PFM Will Transform Banking As You Know It

Marketing Director at Strands

Personal Financial Management (PFM) has evolved greatly since its birth in the early eighties. see more

5 Ways Financial Companies Can Harness the Power of Digital Disruption in 2017

Tariq Scott Bokhari
SVP and Head of Innovation and Investment at FIS Global

Have you ever wondered why legions of taxi companies never tried to steal Uber’s thunder by building their own cab-hailing app? Taxi Magic tried it. Who? Right. It didn’t go well. see more

Fintech Fortnight: Why Fintech Is Important To UK & Rise Of Alternative Financing

Greg Dimitriou
Co-Founder and Managing Director at BillFront

With the industry estimated to generate over  see more

Brexit Vote has ‘Chilling’ Effect on FinTech Investment

Chris Skinner
Chairman at The Financial Services Club

I was going to write a blog about this, but after reading the BBC summary felt that they had summarised it as well as, or maybe even better, than I could so … see more
