
Too Good to Last?

Rupert Thompson
Chief Investment Officer at Kingswood

Equity markets have started June on a positive note and, so far at least, are ignoring the fact that June is traditionally the weakest month of the year. see more

Geographical Fallacies: An Investor’s Sin

Rafael Esteban Correa
Partner at Mouro Capital

Often, investors make what I call a geographical fallacy: saying that they invest in a region, when, in reality, they mainly invest in just one or two see more

Why Investment in Small UK Technology Companies in the 2020s Could Provide Sustainable Returns

Andrew Aldridge
Partner and Head of Marketing at Deepbridge Capital

The UK is widely regarded as one of the greatest places to start an innovative tech company. see more

Why AI-powered Solutions Are Becoming a Necessity for Asset Managers to Deliver for Investors

Francesca Campanelli
Chief Commercial Officer at Axyon AI

Recent market volatility continues to put pressure on fund managers, who must not only adapt to the post-COVID landscape but also demonstrate investment resilience and see more

How Fund Managers Can Use AI to Retain Current Investors and Rebuild Client Confidence

Francesca Campanelli
Chief Commercial Officer at Axyon AI

After months of market volatility and challenging conditions, fund managers are starting to see a light at the end of the Covid-19 tunnel. see more

LSE/Primarybid Deal is Like Putting Lipstick on a Pig

Sascha Ragtschaa
CEO at WeOwn

Levelling the playing field for retail and institutional investors is a step in the right direction, but it’s too little, too late in terms of engendering real change. see more

Don’t Delay on Technology Investment

Chris Labrey
Managing Director - UK & Ireland at Econocom

In today’s uncertain economic climate, many businesses are loath to make significant decisions before the UK government solidifies a Brexit plan. see more