Why run before you can walk? Digital data assets for SME lending
Designing and implementing a digital strategy for SME lending and deciding what data assets to utilise...
InterSystems: Banking on real-time data to remain compliant
We talk about the ‘data revolution’ referring to the huge influx of data experienced over the past few...
Finance Organizations and the Digital Boom
How the FinServ industry is leveraging digital transformation to provide secure, meaningful customer...
How PSD2 will influence the Corporate Banking Payments landscape for the better using Biometrics
Transaction processing for corporate banking operations are on a completely different scale to the...
The Real GDPR Challenge is Sustainable Compliance
As organisations raced towards the compliance deadline for the GDPR, their focus appeared to be...
Why now is the time for pension providers to address the requirements of the Pensions Dashboard project...
Choosing Software That Will Help Organize Personal Finance Matters
You might be new to using personal finance software and wish sees the benefits that such software...
Getting social in a crisis - how social media could have helped TSB mitigate the meltdown
The aftershocks following TSB’s high profile IT meltdown in April are still being felt. What started as...
Smart Future of Commuting - Mobile Payment
- 6 years 8 months ago 04:00 am
- Caroline McClelland, Marketing Manager at Waracle Mobile App Developers UK
Technology is changing the transport sector when it comes to high-speed trains and electric buses. But,...
How to protect tomorrow's critical infrastructure
Imagine a city the size of London thrown into chaos, as public transport grinds to a halt and traffic...