Why Startups Need to Make Payments Experience a Priority
In 2017, U.S. online retail experienced the largest year to year growthsince 2011, and ecommerce...
Customer experience is more than just a data thing – payment innovation is key for setting travel companies apart
Competition in the travel industry is high, and margins are low. And with the cost of travel...
We.Trade on blockchain: Yes We Can!
At the Blockchain Innovation Conference in Utrecht early June, Wiebe Draaier, the Rabobank chair...
Private Sectors Might Be Asked To Comply With IR35 Rules
The government has taken steps to bring the private sector under the IR35 rules. The proposal is now in...
Row over ATMs in the UK
- 6 years 8 months ago 03:00 am
- Stuart Rye, Director of Business Development for Financial Services at Fujitsu UK
Even as we move towards a cashless society, ATMs still play an important role in the financial life of...
Fridays with Fintechs: How Hamburgers Inspired Payments Innovation
My buddies and I are constantly in the pursuit of the “perfect burger.” So much so that I once sent my...
Bridging the accountability gap to protect financial services organisations
The WannaCry ransomware attack was, at the time, one of the most devastating and widespread...
Quo vadis PSD2 RTS? A view on EBA’s recent Opinion Paper on RTS implementation
In combination, the EU’s Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) – and the European Banking Authority’s...
The hard reality of Brexit
Whichever type of Brexit you hope for, there remains the possibility of a UK withdrawal from the EU in...
Bridging the accountability gap to protect financial services organisations
The WannaCry ransomware attack was, at the time, one of the most devastating and widespread...