PwC:The impact of drones on the UK economy
The recent PwC report into the impact of the drone industry on the UK’s economy, jobs,...
If trade finance, securities settlements and loans get increasingly processed on DLT, then at what point...
What banks can learn from retail disruption
The same degree of disruption that has upended the retail industry is coming to banking, according to...
- 6 years 9 months ago 02:00 am
- Michael Corcione , Managing Director, Cyber Security & Data Protection at Cordium
The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on 25th May 2018, with...
Why Do Fast Transfers Work Better within Payment Networks?
- 6 years 9 months ago 07:00 am
- Ruben Salazar, Senior VP and the Head of Product & Solutions at Visa Latin America and the Caribbean
Financial authorities and regulators around the globe are looking for new fast payment solutions....
Quantum Leap: How will banks cope with tomorrow's tech?
Last century, one of most dramatic changes to the banking ecosystem was the integration of digital...
Finternet of Things: How IoT Can Revolutionize Financial Sector Once And for All
It is not a secret for anybody that the Internet of Things today makes a great revolution in the world....
The Top Ten Challenges in RPA Implementation
Robotic Process automation, otherwise known as RPA, is a significant, rapid change that’s encroaching...
FRTB: Viewing Market Risk in a New Light
Closer scrutiny of trading and more stringent capital requirements call for sophisticated data...
A risky business: why the mispricing of credit is a danger to us all
The mispricing of risk in consumer credit is a threat to all lenders, particularly those that lack...