How Lenders Are Already Using Open Banking
What is Open Banking? Starting January 13th, the largest UK banks began the process of allowing their...
Open Banking: the landscape by 2025
- 6 years 9 months ago 01:00 am
- Koen Pelgrims, Director, Customer Experience Solutions and Open Banking, Global Financial Services at Atos
Open Banking is here. The Second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) now requires banks to give any third...
Six reasons why blockchain is here to stay and how it will change the digital world.
In the three years since blockchain technology was the private preserve of fintech geeks, it has grown...
How to assess the quality of an API
Whether buying a new house or shopping for a new pair of shoes, you probably have a checklist for the...
Key Obstacles Banks Must Overcome to Succeed Through Design Thinking
Challenges of the digital age require new ways of thinking, especially from traditional market players...
The building blocks of the financial future?
Few technologies since the web have generated as much noise as blockchain – and in particular its most...
10 Everyday Workplace Activities That Will Totally Change Under the GDPR
On 25th May 2018, the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) comes into effect across the EU,...
What can global acceptance standards do for merchants?
The global payments market is deeply fragmented. With rapidly evolving technologies, new regulations and...
Why Should Everyone Pay Close Attention to Quantum Computing?
Why Should Everyone Pay Close Attention to Quantum Computing? For over a year now, I have been...
GDPR in Context: 10 Data Subject Rights
GDPR introduces ten new rights to data subjects. Chapter III of GDPR, Section 1 provides for...