
Top 12 Crypto Startups to Watch in 2019

Financial IT
at Financial IT

Looking forward from December 2018, one can see three reasons why the coming year will be a key one for crypto-currency companies. see more

As Stores Die, Startups Prosper

Chris Skinner
Chairman at The Financial Services Club

We talk a lot about bank branch closures and, to be sure, there are a lot bank branch closures.  The UK has seen 1 in 10 bank branches disappear over the last  see more

EU start-ups are losing out

James Tuckett
Managing Director at invest UP

The digital start-up culture of the United States has long been lauded as the benchmark for the European Union (EU) to aspire towards creating. see more

Watch out Fintech, the Banks are Coming!

Chris Skinner
Chairman at The Financial Services Club

I was upset to be unable to join the recent debate in New York on digital banking.  It ended up that I was conflicted and had to defer to a far mightier second man, Ron Shevlin.  see more

Petrol and startups, a match made in heaven

Will White
Commercial Director at investUP

For anyone starting or joining a startup you need to understand something important. Entrepreneurs, like all creative people, are pure petrol*. see more