Latest news

New TransUnion Study Finds Smooth Digital Transactions “Essential to Business Survival” During and After Pandemic
India Embraces Digital P2P Money Transfers During Pandemic, Fuelling 1M New Users on Paysend
TNS Launches Secure SD-WAN to Help Retailers Embrace Digital Transformation and Cloud Adoption
Finastra and CloudMargin Team Up to Deliver Collateral Management as a Service
Franklin Templeton and Illuminate Financial Invest in Curv’s Keyless Digital Asset Security Infrastructure
Mazuma to Partner with Software Giant FreshBooks
Banking Circle Lending and Cardstream Payment Gateway Named Most Innovative FinTech Solution
SIA and Hex Trust to Deliver Digital Financial Services in Europe
Home Credit Group Will Expand Credit in Eastern Europe and Asia with FICO AI-Powered Optimization
App Annie Releases New Gen Z Report with Insights on Winning Over the Mobile Generation
Bolero to Provide Electronic Bill of Lading as-a-Service to R3 Corda Based Trade Platforms in Latin America and Australia
Medius (Wax Digital) Positioned as a Visionary in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Procure-to-Pay Suites
TransferWise Waives Fees on $20 Million of Donations and Launches Covid-19 Vaccine Donation Platform
Bottomline Enables StepChange Debt Charity in the Launch of New Coronavirus Payment Plan
The First Cloud-Native Card Payments Platform Silverflow Secures €2.6M