Trustly Recognised as a ‘DI Gasell’ for a Third Consecutive Year

  • Payments
  • 05.12.2017 09:22 am

Trustly, the European payments company, is pleased to announce that it has been nominated for the highly distinguished DI Gasell award for the third consecutive year.

The DI Gasell award was established in 2000 by the Swedish financial daily newspaper Dagens Industrito recognise Sweden’s fastest growing and most profitable companies. 

“It is a great honour for the whole team at Trustly to be awarded the DI Gasell nomination for the third time in a row. In 2017 we reached the milestone of surpassing 10 billion EUR in payment volume – a true testament to the work done by the team. We continue to develop our online banking payment service to provide the best solution for businesses and consumers across Europe,” said Oscar Berglund, CEO of Trustly.

A nominated DI Gasell company must have:

  • A turnover surpassing 10M SEK
  • A minimum of 10 staff members
  • At least doubled its turnover, when comparing the first and the past fiscal year
  • Increased its turnover each year for the past three years
  • A positive operating profit during the past four fiscal years
  • Grown organically, rather than by acquisitions or fusions
  • Healthy finances

Milestones reached in 2017:

  • 10 billion EUR in processed transaction volume since inception in 2008
  • Launched Trustly Direct Debit, a new payment product for recurring purchases including subscriptions services and one-click payments
  • Recent customers include travel sector partners UATP and Flywire, leading e-commerce company Boozt, Nordic e-commerce focused payments provider Qliro as well as software provider Emric (part of Tieto) and P2P lending platform Lendify.
  • Recognised as one of the most inspiring and fast-growing SMEs in Europe by London Stock Exchange Group

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