Investors from Central and Southern Europe follow different strategies

  • P2P Lending
  • 29.07.2019 11:31 am

According to the results of a survey conducted by the European P2P platform, the strategy of P2P investors depends on their mentality, socio-economic and geographic aspects. Thus, the survey revealed that investors from Central Europe tend to make long-term plans - 50% of them invest in P2P lending to prepare for retirement. In the meantime, investors from South European countries are more focused on quick results. Among them, 56% prefer investing in short-term loans compared to 47% of respondents from Central Europe.

The survey involved P2P investors from Southern (Spain, Italy and Portugal) and Central Europe (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and showed that they use different investment strategies. Being more pragmatic, the latter tend to make long-term plans: 50% of them invest in P2P lending to earn enough for retirement compared to only 38% of respondents from Southern Europe.

At the same time, vigorous “Southerners” focus on quicker results: 56% of them prefer investing in short-term loans and 30% expect higher interest rates. By comparison, the share of such respondents from Central Europe equaled 47% and 26%, respectively.

The differences are also observed in the preferred type of investments. Prone to analyze, investors from Germany, Austria and Switzerland prefer volatile stocks (32% compared to 11% of “Southerners”), rather than more predictable investments in real estate (19% vs. 25%).

Analysts of the company state that socio-economic and geographic aspects play their part in the investment strategy as well. Such factors as the level of income and investment experience may influence the size of invested funds and degree of diversification. Thus, 43% of the Spanish, Italians and Portuguese estimated their income as more than €2,000 per month, while among representatives of German-speaking countries this was stated by 71%. It was also revealed that investors from Central Europe are more experienced - only 20% of them have been investing in

P2P lending for less than a year, while in the south, the share of such investors amounted to 46%. The reason for it lies in the growing penetration rate of alternative lending, which is historically represented more widely in Central than in Southern Europe.

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