Financial IT January Issue 2016
- 22.01.2016 10:32 am
Welcome to 2016. It will likely be a challenging year for investors and financial institutions. However, FinTech providers will be able to make it a little less challenging.
Financial IT Special Sibos & GTDW Issue 2015
- 12.10.2015 10:21 am
Innovation will continue to drive deal-making and capital raisings across virtually all parts of the fintech universe in 2016 and beyond. Meanwhile, fintech companies will continue to have access to the funding that they need – in spite of the recent volatility in global equity markets. As the varied articles in this edition of Financial IT make clear, the positive factors that are driving the expansion of fintech remain in place. In no particular order, these factors include: the development of new and often disruptive technology.
Financial IT Special Sibos Issue 2014
- 06.10.2014 05:32 pm
Any change that can promote the expansion of the global economy is change for the good. Taking into account common sense, economic theory and, indeed, the very raison d’être of the World Trade Organization (WTO), such change would include a move towards freer trade in goods and services between nations. Freer trade is promoted when the costs and risks – to all parties involved - are reduced.This is a central theme of this edition of Financial IT. Many of the contributed articles focus on the technology and infrastructure governing payments – especially between corporates. Many of the articles...
Financial IT Spring/Summer Issue 2014
- 18.04.2014 07:59 am
In the previous edition of Financial IT, we observed that change in the global financial system is being driven by innovation which, in turn is being driven by technology. We also explained how the technology revolves around the adoption of the standards which underpin the world’s financial services infrastructure. In short, our discussion of change focused mainly on a question which can be summarised in one word: Why? In this edition, we look at change by focusing on a different question, but one that may also be summarised in one word: Who? This edition’s lead story highlights how...
Financial IT Summer Issue 2013
- 13.09.2013 07:59 am
SIBOS always brings with it hope, as banks and software suppliers combine to debate issues and present the latest technological innovations. Each SIBOS also represents a milestone as the financial community moves forward, coming to terms with the latest regulatory demands and facing up to a myriad of problems, which only appear to have escalated over the preceding year. This has particularly been the case since the first signs of the global financial crisis emerged in 2007. What then can we expect after this year’s milestone?