When one yes equals BCBS 239 compliance
Defining what BCBS 239 compliance looks like remains clouded in mystery. Tough ‘show and tell’...
P2P lending: Coming to a platform near you?
Recently the smartwatch maker Pebble shattered Kickstarter’s crowdfunding records, raising more...
Payments transformation: are the banks ready to compete?
When it comes to innovation in financial services, the payments sector is leading the way. The...
Fintech: creating global opportunities
As new financial technology develops, it is increasing the number of global opportunities open to...
Risk technology: spend your budget on the carrots, don't waste it on the stick
The financial crisis exposed a number of weaknesses in the financial industry’s ability to assess,...
RDA: do the responses stack up?
In a similar vein to the BIS’ recent progress report on BCBS 239, Markit commissioned its own survey. 29...
Finance as a Service - FaaS
Disruption, is a fascinating interest of mine, the magnitude occurring in energy, cars, Internet of...
Change is the only constant
The unbundling of payment for research is a top concern for the industry. There seems to be general...
The retail banking renaissance
We are witnessing a retail banking renaissance: new entrants and digital disruptors are entering the...
Risk data aggregation: what progress this past year?
The 2015 BIS progress report around BCBS 239 throws up some significant compliance gaps. There is much...