The Future Of Fintech In The Financial Industry - Is It Small Or Is It Big?
Fintech is not everything - but it touches everything. This is probably the best way to describe the...
Manage FX Risk: Find the Right Stress Test as Pandemic Disruption Continues
Global supply and demand remain unsettled as pandemic recovery struggles forward with a still-uncertain...
How Can Blockchain Support the Paradigm Shift in Retail Rents?
New Look, a fashion retailer in the UK, last week completed its second Company Voluntary Agreement (CVA...
For Its Own Wellbeing, UK PLC Needs to Ensure Tech Careers Are Accessible to Everyone!
The tech industry needs nurture The UK is one of the world’s most competitive and pioneering...
The Role of Finance in Business Continuity
COVID-19 has shifted the role of the internal finance function. From “work from home” mandates and...
More Taxes, More Problems: Why Banks Need to Treat Tax Operations Strategically
- 4 years 4 months ago 03:00 am
- Daniel Carpenter, Head of Regulation at Meritsoft (a Cognizant company)
There has been a steady stream of transaction tax announcements in the last ten years. High profile...
The Embedded Benefits in ESEF Digital Financial Reporting
In a battle for significance, no other public facing business document can match the annual financial...
Bank of England Negative Interest Rates Make It Interesting for Bitcoin
This morning, the Bank of England sent out a letter to the banking industry asking for feedback on...
The (U)X Factor: The Software Bringing Biometric Payment Cards To Market
With over 20 bank trials in progress and a second commercial roll-out imminent in France with...
Digitally Transform KYC Remediation
KYC remediation has traditionally been a compliance headache for many regulated firms. With...