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«АЗИЯ ТРАНС ТЕРМИНАЛ» / АТТ - это надежный партнер, обладающий собственной развитой инфраструктурой, технической оснащенностью и высококвалифицированным персоналом.

Контейнерный терминал «АЗИЯ ТРАНС ТЕРМИНАЛ» расположен в г.Ташкенте (Узбекистан). В своей Своей работой призван способствовать процессу эффективного товарообмена между Россией, Центральной Азией и Китаем. Учитывая огромный потенциал среднеазиатского региона, в отношении грузопотоков, терминал вызывает интерес многих международных компаний.

Инфраструктура терминала сформирована с учетом возможностей эффективного обслуживания и обработки клиентских грузов:

  • Наличие асфальтированных автомобильных дорог
  • Пять железнодорожных путей общей протяженностью 900м
  • Таможенный склад для хранения крупнотоннажных контейнеров площадью 1000 кв. м

Бетонная контейнерная площадка с перерабатывающей способностью 40 000 ДФЭ в год и емкостью, при размещении в 3 яруса,1632 ДФЭ Общая площадь терминала составляет 42250 кв.м.

Monday, January 20, 2014 - 14:59
Financial IT
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Monday, January 20, 2014 - 13:17
Financial IT
Taming HFT Risks for safe and efficient trading

The attitude towards High Frequency Trading (HFT) has changed for the worse. Its nature is often regarded as inherently irresponsible and potentially disruptive.

I believe that its demonization and the fear of possible dangers of HFT to the markets has been blown way out of proportion. The reason, in my view, lies in the perception of risk management.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013 - 19:00
ARQA Technologies
Banking Innovation: A Case for CaaS (Compliance as a service)
It’s an established fact that the changes in banking industry are driven by fluctuating customer needs. Moreover, the regulatory environment globally is not only undergoing immense changes, but is also unclear on several aspects, owing to varied perspectives of different regulators and governmental institutions overseeing banking operations.
Sunday, November 24, 2013 - 19:00
ElectraCard Services Underpins Western Union ICICI Bank Prepaid Card In India

ElectraCard Services (ECS), provider of software solutions for electronic payment systems, successfully helped launch the Western Union® ICICI Bank Prepaid Card in India recently, as Western Union’s preferred technology and processing service partner.

Thursday, November 7, 2013 - 19:00
ElectraCard Services Pvt. Ltd.
BCS Prime Brokerage Partners with ARQA Technologies to Implement Back-Office Automation Software

BCS Prime Brokerage (‘BCS’), the international arm of the largest trader of equities and derivatives on the Russian exchange, has announced a strategic partnership with ARQA Technologies to implement ARQA’s automated back-office software – backQORT. 

The multipurpose back office system, which provides record-keeping, trade settlement, regulatory reporting and partial management accounting, will provide BCS clients with access to new markets and a more efficient transaction clearing model.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013 - 20:00
ARQA Technologies
ARQA Technologies leverages global ConsolidatedFEED from S&P Capital IQ Real-Time Solutions

ARQA Technologies (ARQA), the independent financial markets software provider, has announced it will provide clients with a consolidated financial data feed provided by S&P Capital IQ Real-Time Solutions. The global provider of next generation trading products will address the growing demand from ARQA clients for differentiated low-latency data at different speeds. 

Monday, October 7, 2013 - 20:00
ARQA Technologies
ARQA Technologies: new implementations of QUIK and QORT-based solutions in Q3 of 2013

Throughout the third quarter of 2013 ARQA Technologies carried out the implementation of front-end program complex QUIK at 5 investment companies and banks including Baikal Bank from Ulan-Ude and Bank Stroykredit from Moscow.

Monday, October 7, 2013 - 20:00
ARQA Technologies
Enhancing Usability & Transparency of Financial Information
A large number of Financial Institutions in India are waking up to a new era of financial reporting submission to Reserve Bank of India (RBI). As per RBI circular 199 and 1134, dated 14 August 2008 and 20 January 2009, all financial institutions would now have to submit the financial returns in an XBRL format for which taxonomies have been released by RBI.
Thursday, October 3, 2013 - 20:00
SLIB CRMS integrates Eurex Clearing Prisma

The next release of SLIB CRMS - SLIB’s innovative pan-European risk platform - features SLIB’s native implementation of Eurex Clearing Prisma.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013 - 20:00
