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HID Global Shares Identity Technology Trends Anchoring Today’s Connected Health Transformation
Narrative Reporting Is in Demand and Financial Reporting Lacks Automation, According to New Research
OpenLedger supports Apptrade crowdsale with $100,000 boost
Grain reveals v2.0 of Its Wealth Management App
Raiffeisen Bank Becomes Agile and Innovative with Backbase’s Omni-Channel Banking Platform
Tieto introduces Forest Hub to digitalize wood and fibre supply
Systemax upgrades operations to focus on Its North American industrial Products and France IT Businesses
APrivacy unveils a new client Lamivoie Capital Partners
WorldRemit introduces online money transfers in Japan
Global-IP forms outstanding sales team to develop services its African Markets
Lords Committee Calls For UK Government to Tackle Financial Exclusion
Wolters Kluwer Wins Risk Reporting Tender From Nordea Bank Russia
Lupo Holdings Selects Rival Risk for Vast Improvement in Risk Management
ING in Poland Introduces HCE Mobile Payments
 Thirty Percent of UK Jobs at Risk From Robotic Automation - PwC