Light Relief for Dark Pools – but for How Long?

Christian Voigt
Senior Regulatory Adviser at Fidessa

The dark pool debate has raged across the globe for some time now and, in every jurisdiction, it’s more often than not accompanied by a smattering of assumptions on almost everything and certain kn see more

Time to get ready for MiFID II now – who faces the biggest challenge?

Tony Virdi
VP and Head of Banking & Financial Services in the UK & Ireland at Cognizant

The second Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) is one of the most far-reaching changes to financial market regulation yet. see more

No Summer Break for MiFID II

Anne Plested
Head Regulation Change Programme Europe at Fidessa

You may have noticed that the MiFID II Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) continue to roll off th see more

So much to do, so little time

Anne Plested
Head of EU Regulation Change at Fidessa

This week’s closing date for the ESMA consultation, which s see more

MiFID II – back to square one

Christian Voigt
Senior Regulatory Adviser at Fidessa

A proposed new law is currently making its way through the Brussels/Stras see more

MiFID II delay – a missed opportunity

Christian Voigt
Senior Regulatory Adviser at Fidessa

The European Commission’s long-awaited official proposal for a see more

Catch that second: Temporal Shifts and System Stability

Mark Brennan
Head of Business Development, Americas at ITRS

Tonight’s addition of a single second to system clocks will no doubt underwhelm the world, much as Y2K did – systems will probably not fail (although the last time a leap second was added – in 2012 see more

MiFID II data disaggregation – be careful what you wish for!

Anne Plested
Business Solutions Consultant at Fidessa

Under MiFID II pre- and post-trade data is required to be made available in an unbundled fashion – ultimately the regulator is aiming to drive down data costs. see more

MiFID II deadlines under further pressure

Christian Voigt
A Senior Regulatory Adviser at Fidessa

The European Commission (EC) and ESMA have agreed on an improved process to draft the Level 2 texts for MiFID II. see more
