ESMA’s third-country venues – the naughty or nice list

Jeff Anderson
Derivatives Compliance Product Manager at Fidessa

ESMA recently issued  see more

Uber transparent?

Christian Voigt
Senior Regulatory Adviser at Fidessa

ESMA has today published the latest  see more

ESMA Sets a Date for SI Compliance

Anne Plested
Business Solutions Consultant at Fidessa

Intended to promote practical convergence and common supervisory approaches and practices, like EMIR and MAR before them, the MiFID II Q&A is fast becoming a favourite on my browser. see more

Having your regulatory cake and eating it

Steve Grob
Director of Group Strategy at Fidessa

This morning I read with interest a colleague’s blog post on the delay to the publication of the ES see more

MiFID II deadlines under further pressure

Christian Voigt
A Senior Regulatory Adviser at Fidessa

The European Commission (EC) and ESMA have agreed on an improved process to draft the Level 2 texts for MiFID II. see more

Backdoor Unbundling

Steve Grob
Director of Group Strategy at Fidessa

I was relaxing on my way home on the 7.02 from Waterloo last night when I came across Nick Goodway’s  see more

Change is the only constant

Anne Plested
Business Solutions Consultant at Fidessa

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