
Is business banking ripe for FinTech disruption?

Claus Christensen
CEO & co-founder at Know Your Customer

There are always many reasons one might want to organise a trip to Paris. see more

Why increasing cost pressures mean banks need to put their ‘head in the cloud’

Vikas Srivastava
Chief Revenue Officer at Integral

It’s true that banks are having to do more with less budget. Recent headlines have demonstrated we’re currently operating in an increasing cost pressured environment. see more

Subscription Services and the Race Towards the Future of Banking

John Phillips
General Manager, EMEA at Zuora

In the not too distant past, we would sign up for a current account post-school or university and still be carrying around the same worn debit card in our 30s and 40s. see more

Are Banks really responsible in a digital world? Challenges on United Nations

David Villaseca
EMEA Head of Digital Banking & Innovation Partner at Oracle

This week, we held a discussion on Responsible Banking on the 25th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25). see more

Bank Branch Closures Risk Leaving People Behind

Ian Bradbury
CTO for Financial Services at Fujitsu

Although we are moving towards a cashless society, and card spending is overtaking cash spending, a rapid move towards digital banking risks leaving people behind. The latest report from Which? see more

The parable of the breakfast cereal - and what banks' Ops teams can learn from it

Simon Richards
Global Managing Director Financial Services at tekVizion

There’s an iconic TV advert in the UK for a breakfast cereal, where even the ‘hero’ can’t eat more than two Shredded Wheat. see more

Beyond Branches: the Evolution of the Banking Customer Experience

Andrew Stevens
Global Banking and Financial Services Specialist at Quadient

Bank branch closures no longer come as a surprise. see more

Look to your customers for the key to banking success

Tim Rutten
VP Strategy at Backbase

What will set you apart in today’s banking world? The secret to sustained success comes down to one thing: the customer experience. see more

Banks that can help reduce financial risks in a user-friendly way can compete with any Tech player

Thomas Pintelon
Co-founder at Capilever

Banks are technology companies with a banking license ! This claim and similar claims can be read more and more in articles on trends in the financial services sector and is often used as see more

New collaboration models in banking

Thomas Pintelon
Co-founder at

Bank offerings and customer expectations are evolving fast. For each specific client need, specific solutions need to be built, requiring lots of investments, IP and expertise. see more
