How to Prevent Spying Through Accessible Camera Feeds?
- Konrads Smelkovs, Senior Manager Cyber Security Response Team at KPMG
- 22.09.2016 01:15 pm security
In line with government's idea for consumers to become streetwise, people need to adopt a more sceptical approach to introducing any device that is internet connected, especially devices with accessible camera feeds, into their homes or businesses. Consumers need to realise that there is chance of abuse if the device is compromised.
Taking the most basic steps may seem tedious, but can make things much safer for the consumer. For example, if someone is installing cameras or other systems, consumers should demand that they demonstrate that default access codes are changed and are told how to maintain the security.
With the rise of the ‘Internet of Things’ the amount of opportunities for abuse will clearly increase and adopting this cautious stance is probably the best advice out there.
Here are some basic tips consumers can apply to their online lives:
- Always buy from a reputable vendor
- Change access codes for security systems
- If someone else installs them to you – ask them to justify security
- Install and use up to date anti-virus software
- Make sure your software has the latest patches applied