Ancoa Welcomes New Members to its Advisory Board

  • People Moves
  • 24.08.2016 11:00 am

Ancoa, provider of contextual surveillance and insightful analytics for exchanges, regulators and buy- & sell-side firms, today announced the appointments of Hugo Jenkins and John Barker to its Advisory Board.  The addition of Hugo and John will strengthen Ancoa’s existing Management team.

The creation of the Ancoa Advisory Board reflects an increasing focus and appetite within the industry for robust, next-generation market surveillance technology. The increasing regulatory requirements such as those set out by the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) which came into force this summer, means that market participants require technology that capably reflects the complexity that these regulations dictate.

Hugo Jenkins has spent over 30 years in the City in a variety of positions. His early career was spent broking a wide range of futures and options markets at Merrill Lynch and GNI, followed by a period working at the LIFFE exchange. Latterly, Hugo was Managing Director of the FOA (FIA Europe). During his 16 year tenure, he was responsible for delivering a range of policy, operational, compliance and business advisory services in areas such as trading and execution, clearing, risk management, market infrastructure, IT systems and standard industry contractual documentation.

Equally, John Barker brings 30 years capital markets expertise to the Ancoa Advisory Board. John spent 10 years with Instinet, the global brokerage, as Director of Operations before moving to Liquidnet where he was Managing Director and Head of International.  John has strong Board experience and an acute understanding of the need for market surveillance capabilities across the buy- & sell-side.

Both Hugo and John as Advisory Board Members, will provide the Ancoa Executive team with strategic advice and insight. They are anticipated to be instrumental in supporting Ancoa’s aggressive growth strategy.  

Hugo Jenkins, Advisory Board Member said, “I am thrilled to be joining Ancoa as an Advisory Board Member at an exciting time for the company. Ancoa’s rapid growth demonstrates the team’s existing expertise as well as the ever-growing demand for market surveillance in a unique regulatory environment. I have been continually impressed with Ancoa’s vision and am very much looking forward to working with the Executive team more closely.”

John Barker, Advisory Board Member added, “As market surveillance and preserving market integrity continues to be pushed higher up regulatory and industry agenda, it becomes paramount that buy- & sell-side firms innovate and put more sophisticated surveillance systems in place. Technology such as Ancoa’s allows firms to detect and manage potential market manipulation and, ultimately improve the protection of investors. I have admired Ancoa’s market surveillance technology for some time now and am delighted to become a Member of the Advisory Board.”

Kurt Vandebroek, Chief Executive Officer, Ancoa, added, “We are honoured to welcome Hugo and John to our Advisory Board. Such senior and experienced veterans strengthen Ancoa’s position to provide our ever-expanding customer base across all asset classes with their market surveillance requirements and growing need for up to date business insight.”

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