Global Fintech Silverbird Unveils Expansion Plans to Empower Unbanked and Underbanked SMEs Worldwide

  • Banking
  • 09.10.2023 03:35 pm

Silverbird, a global fintech company headquartered in the United Kingdom, has announced its expansion strategy, targeting new markets that include Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, the USA, China, and India.

The primary goal of this expansion is to address the financial needs of unbanked and underbanked SMEs, particularly those overlooked by traditional banking institutions in these regions. Silverbird aims to provide tailored solutions based on the unique business needs and structures of SMEs in these markets.

Georgy Babilashvili, co-founder of Silverbird and the driving force behind the company's global expansion, stated, "We're dedicated to understanding the specific needs of SMEs in these regions. Our approach involves continuous market monitoring, in-depth customer research, and direct interviews with SMEs. Every market and every company is unique, and we aim to identify areas where our solutions can make the most significant impact."

Silverbird currently supports SMEs from over 100 countries, including those facing challenges with cross-border payments and banking. Babilashvili emphasized, "We know how to verify SMEs efficiently without overwhelming them with extensive document requests. Leveraging public databases, such as bill of lading, customs data, and supply chain intelligence, we provide SMEs access to financial services in a way traditional banks often neglect."

The company's focus on export and global SMEs positions it uniquely, especially in regions where mainstream banks overlook international businesses. Silverbird employs publicly available data to assess risk profiles, allowing for a deeper understanding of clients and the provision of tailored financial solutions.

Silverbird's commitment to supporting SMEs is evident in its ability to facilitate payments to 195 countries in almost 40 currencies. Babilashvili concluded, "Our constant dialogue with clients ensures that we meet 99% of their international payment needs. We do not just address what banks can't but what banks often choose not to do, and we do it with minimal burden on SMEs."

As Silverbird continues its global expansion, the company remains dedicated to fostering financial inclusion and empowering SMEs on the international stage.

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