How to Build Excellent Customer Experience in the Age of Hybrid Working

  • Rob Carmichael, Consulting Engineer at Avaya

  • 27.07.2021 04:30 pm
  • Customer experience

Offices around the UK are open for business in line with the government’s latest guidance, meaning that many financial services employees are no longer restricted to working from home. More employers than ever before are now offering a hybrid working model, whereby employees choose where they work – from home, from the office, elsewhere, or even on the go. 

In its Life and Work Beyond 2020 survey of over 10,000 people from 11 countries, Avaya found that 60% of employees want to continue working remotely and would support government policies that encourage a hybrid work environment and almost half (46%) see the ‘work from anywhere’ model as a viable way of working well into the future. Also telling is the fact that 46% of respondents reported an increase in productivity because they were happier doing remote working.

This means that financial services companies will benefit from giving employees the ability to choose to work both at home and at the office but there are important steps businesses should take to help ensure their workforce is as productive as possible.

Elevating the customer experience

In the last 18 months, financial services employees have proven that they’re able to communicate with colleagues and customers, but productivity can be made challenging by the use of multiple different communications and collaborations apps. 

Customer experiences matter when calling for financial services, and the experiences of the team and ability to efficiently connect with one another also matter. To stay connected, many employees use one app for team chat, another for video conferencing, one for a company’s file-sharing platform and another which is a task management tool. According to research conducted last year, only two-fifths (41%) of working UK respondents can limit the number of tools, apps, and resources they rely on to complete a work project to under three.

Today, financial services companies need to able to connect with customers in the way they want, when they want, whether that’s on the phone, on chat or in a virtual room. This experience for both customers and employees should be effortless. To achieve this, cloud-based unified communications as a service (UCaaS) can play a pivotal role.

The best UCaaS and single-app team collaboration solutions elevate the customer experience for those who want to connect via multiple touch points whenever they want. The right solution can offer customers a single number for calls, chat, video assistance and more, that reaches employees wherever they are, on whatever device they’re using.

Employee experience equals customer experience

In the customer-centric world of financial services, an intentional and though-out employee experience is the basis for a great customer experience. With the right tools, employees can solve problems quickly and easily in partnership with different team members, departments, and disciplines.

The rise of hybrid working presents an excellent opportunity to reimagine collaboration and productivity. Make sure to use the right tools that alleviate stress instead of causing it.


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