Yapi Kredi Renovates Mobile App

  • Mobile Banking
  • 19.05.2017 08:00 am

Yapı Kredi, Digital Bank of Turkey continues to develop revolutionary applications and to break new frontiers.

Yapı Kredi Mobile is becoming "The Remote Control of the Bank."
By revamping its mobile banking application in November 2016, Yapı Kredi blazed a new trail by adding three different features to its password-free Eyeprint-ID mobile banking application, the first of its kind in Europe. Positioning its mobile banking application as "The Remote Control of the Bank," Yapı Kredi has thus made a difference in the sector, providing the opportunity to carry out each and every banking transaction from a single base.

Yapı Kredi Mobile has now added new features to its existing features of the Eyeprint-ID, which needs nothing more than the customer's eye to grant entry, MobilNakit (MobileCash), which allows money withdrawal without even touching the ATM, and direct access to the Call Center; the new properties make it possible to carry out branchless and password-free banking transactions. Yapı Kredi Mobile users from now on will be able to make use of the Branch Busyness Map Imaging and Appointment-Making feature of the application to get an appointment from the branch they want on the date and at the time they prefer. The Banking Keyboard will enable quick money transfers from the messaging applications on smart phones without need for any other kind of screen or application. Additionally, customers who have lost their cards will be able to temporarily close off their cards immediately with the new Don’t Panic Button at Yapı Kredi Mobile. Customers can also report lost/stolen cards and request for new ones.

It's not technology, but people that are at the focus of digitalization
At Yapı Kredi, says Yapı Kredi Assistant General Manager Yakup Dogan, it is not technology but people that are at the focus of digitalization, remarking that every technology that the bank produces strives to touch and significantly add value to human lives. Dogan explains that Yapı Kredi Mobile was positioned as "The Remote Control of the Bank" to provide the opportunity to carry out banking transactions without a branch and from a single base. He commented on the Yapı Kredi Mobile features by saying: "We are now face to face with a banking experience that doesn't require branches or passwords. As the Digital Bank of Turkey, we were not satisfied with just generating an idea; we implemented our idea, turned it into production and have been acknowledged by our customers by earning a 5-star commendation for the application, the highest rating possible. We continue to work on it. Yapı Kredi Mobile will be the customer's remote control from now on. This also serves our main strategy.

A first in Europe! MobilNakit Transactions at the MobilMatiks
NCR, the world's largest ATM manufacturer, conducted its contactless Mobile ATM pilot project at Yapı Kredi, a first in Europe. The new MobilMatik can be used at Yapı Kredi card-free with only a mobile phone and will soon be ready to serve customers. The MobilMatiks will be placed in offices, cafés, fast-food restaurants and other locations where there are no ATM's, especially in places patronized by young people and at points where there is a need for quick access to cash. The Yapı Kredi Mobile application will enable money withdrawals without touching the MobilMatik and in addition, will soon be available for service with a money depositing function as well.

The era of mobile appointments at the branches is beginning
From now on, customers who enter Yapı Kredi Mobile with the Eyeprint-ID feature that offers password-free admission via eye recognition technology will be able to get a prioritized sequence number and appointment from the branch they prefer using the Book a Branch Appointment feature. In fact, they will even be able to make a spot inquiry into the degree of busyness of any of the branches.

The era of paperless, signature-free loans is beginning
Customers borrowing individual consumer loans from a branch will now be able to confirm their contracts using their Yapı Kredi Mobile passwords. Thus borrowers not only will not be required to sign the documents consisting of dozens of pages at the branch but they will be able to save time by carrying out their procedures in the shortest time possible. Let us not forget that this developed feature will also save on paper and protect the environment.

Smart phone keyboards are turning into banks
Yapı Kredi is now introducing still another innovative person-to-person money transfer service. With the Banker Keyboard, users will be able to send money from smart phone messaging applications like WhatsApp that they will download to their Android-based devices. Not only that, but they will be able to make the transfer to the sendee without having to open any other application or screen.

A lost card can be canceled with a single button
Another application making the customer's life easier is the Don’t Panic Button. A customer losing a card can temporarily lock the card. While being able to do this for any card selected on Yapı Kredi Mobile, customers may carry out this process for all registered cards. Besides temporarily closing off the card to use, the same section of the application allows reporting of lost/stolen cards and request for a new one. Meanwhile, even if customers lock their cards in this way, they will still be able to carry out their MobilNakit transactions or withdraw money from our ATMs and MobilMatiks."

Yapı Kredi's growth in digitalization...
Doğan continued by pointing out that Yapı Kredi's market share in digital banking as of March 2017 showed a consecutive 17 quarter growth, adding: "Together with our revamped Eyeprint-ID mobile banking application, we also signed our names to another achievement that is not so easy to attain. More than 10,000 people acknowledged our application by giving us the highest 5-star rating. While our digital banking customers have expanded by 27 percent in the last one year, our mobile banking customers have grown by 62 percent. Mobile banking penetration among our digital banking customers rose to 78 percent as of April 2017. We can say that 3 out of every 4 customers is a mobile banking customer. Yapı Kredi Mobile has so far received more than 2.5 million entries via Eyeprint-ID. The number of money withdrawals using MobilNakit at the ATMs, card and password-free, reached monthly200,000 transactions. As Digital Bank of Turkey, Yapı Kredi will continue to add value to human life, enhance individual productivity, making people's lives easier, introducing new technologies that will expand upon available possibilities, standing out as a model in the sector."

An ecosystem that leaves the omnichannel behind
In commenting on Yapı Kredi's digital strategy, Yapı Kredi Assistant General Manager Cahit Erdogan said that the bank's focus was on providing services on technological devices and platforms that would be easily accessible to the consumer. He continued: "We have achieved many successful firsts with this in mind at Yapı Kredi and we continue to progress in the same direction. At this time, the focal point in the banking sector is what is called the "omnichannel strategy," which has come to mean a multi-channel strategy that encompasses all digital banking processes, from one end to the other. At Yapı Kredi, however, we go beyond the omnichannel. As a matter of fact, the points of interaction that we used to called channels have now taken on a new identity and have evolved into a comprehensive ecosystem that embodies the entire service provided to the customer. It is this ecosystem that we are transitioning into. This ecosystem will reduce the efforts that go into banking transactions, minimizing, in some cases even eliminating, many processes such as physical contracts where wet signatures are needed. At the same time, the system will bring with it speed and extra security, offering the customer the highest benefits, from shopping needs to tax payments. This will also cover the internet of things and artificial intelligence. At Yapı Kredi, our digital channels are designed to provide the best customer experience in products and services, to facilitate processes and to offer solutions that meet needs, all of which are among our priority goals."

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