The Smart Cube Rolls-out Smart Risk to Deliver Robust Supply Chain Risk Management

  • Infrastructure
  • 28.03.2018 10:37 am

The Smart Cube, an award-winning global provider of research and analytics solutions, today announced the roll-out of Smart Risk, a bespoke, real-time supply chain risk monitoring solution. With an added layer of evaluation by experienced analysts, Smart Risk provides businesses with the right intelligence to make more informed planning and buying decisions.

For Category and Risk Managers, continuously monitoring events and risk in the supply chain is a critical part of their roles and the value they deliver to a business; lack of visibility and understanding of supplier-based events can sacrifice supply chain resilience, and impact business operations, reputation and relationships. But information-overload is a common problem, and it is difficult to cut through the clutter to find relevant insights.

Smart Risk monitors and reports on a broad spectrum of risk categories – including financial, operational, compliance, strategic and country risk. It leverages an extensive array of sources from subscription news service APIs and databases, to social media, augmented by responses to custom supplier questionnaires, a technique which gathers information often not in the public domain.

Algorithmic sentiment analysis is used to assess and score worldwide events on a risk scale, and predictive and preventive analytical capabilities identify early warning indicators of risk events, looking beyond the obvious and taking into account the impact of multiple individual factors.

The Smart Cube’s experienced analysts apply an additional layer of assessment to the automated risk rating. Using their knowledge of specific supplier and buyer situations, they validate risk ratings, and create actionable recommendations on intervention and remediation strategies. Customised alerts are sent to business stakeholders, and also pushed through the cloud-based platform, allowing anytime, anywhere access.

Rachit Agrawal, Smart Risk Product Manager, said: “In today’s complex, interconnected supply landscape, companies must look beyond financials, and build a holistic picture of all risk parameters. Smart Risk uses the latest machine learning and natural language processing techniques to cover a broad spectrum of categories, which when combined with human intelligence, ensures information is completely relevant and provided in a cost-efficient way.”

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