Gen Z Set to Adopt Fintech Apps at Record Rates: 155% Growth from 2020 to 18.9 Billion Sessions in 2022

  • Cryptocurrencies
  • 11.11.2021 03:30 pm
  • Crypto is a significant driver of increased sessions in 2021 across the board. Among US Gen Z and Millennial users, the top three crypto-trading apps by time spent on Android Phone were Robinhood, Coinbase, and Wellbull Stocks (Sep 2021).
  • Gen X and Baby Boomers also spent more “crypto-time” in these three apps than other crypto apps. While these apps also ranked in the top 15 by time spent for the Gen X/Boomer audience, this age group still favoured spending time in more ‘traditional’ apps like TD AmeritradeChase Mobile and IBKR.
  • 2022 will be an unprecedented opportunity to engage Gen Z on mobile – as a mobile-first generation on the verge of financial independence, this is the time to cultivate customer loyalties on their preferred device: mobile.


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