4 things to consider when expanding your home business in L.A
Running a home business has many merits. The days of leaving the house at stupid o’ clock in a bid to...
Comment on the news of VISA acquiring Plaid from Suresh Vaghjiani, CEO and Co-Founder of Tribe Payments
“VISA acquiring fintech behemoth Plaid shows established financial organisations have recognised the API...
Finger on the Pulse! Waving goodbye to a big year for biometrics
- 5 years 1 month ago 05:00 am
- Lina Andolf-Orup, Senior Director, Head of Global Marketing at Fingerprints
After years of predictions and goals set for “2020”, it feels quite surreal to have finally welcomed in...
The SME lending landscape in 2020
This time last year, I only made one prediction with any degree of confidence – that at some point, the...
Consequences Of Driving Under The Influence
DUI or driving under the influence is most often thought of in connection with alcohol. But booze isn’t...
Five top qualities to look for when choosing an analytics provider
So you’ve decided to take the plunge in 2020. You know that data analytics can do great things to propel...
Cyber security trends for 2020
This has been another busy year in cyber security, with hackers targeting business, governments and...
How UK banks can draw inspiration from across the pond
- 5 years 1 month ago 07:00 am
- Ramesh Ramani, Head of Banking & Financial Services Europe at Cognizant
It is a challenging time for UK banks, with an increasingly complex landscape and imminent events such...
Discovery Of A Spy Trojan That Exploits The Android Binder Vulnerability
Trend Micro researchers Ecular Xu and Joseph C Chen recently discovered three...
The Growing Demand for Lawyers with Significant Fintech Experience
The growing influence of technology on how people go about their day-to-day lives has consequently...