The Case for Adopting Open Source – Own Rather Than Rent the Foundations of Your Business
For some time open source was seen as something that only the biggest companies could use and play with...
A sleeping Digital Giant Wakes? 4 Key Trends Accelerating Payments Transformation in the US
The US payments industry is undoubtedly ripe for change. Before the unprecedented shock of COVID-19,...
Lockdown: Has It Paved the Way for a New Banking Industry?
Lockdown has presented a huge opportunity for the banking industry. The sector has been forced to...
Data-reliant Finance Teams Are Not Realising the Full Value of Business Intelligence Investments
Business Intelligence (BI) tools are indispensable to modern financial operations. A recent ...
UK Japan Trade Deal – Comments From Expert in UK–Asia Government Affairs
This morning the UK signed a free trade agreement with Japan, which is the UK’s first major...
The Race for Retail Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)
Covid-19 had led to a huge increase in national debt of many countries. In their recent research, ...
Data Management Platforms as the ‘building Blocks’ That Inform Risk Strategies
Data speed and scale require real-time analytics and accurate predictions for financial trading...
New Research: Smart Checkout Tech to Process $387bn in Transactions by 2025 - Comment From BlueSnap
New figures from Juniper Research have revealed that smart checkouts, where the fixed checkout...
Hot Wallets and Fingerprints: Why Biometrics Are the Future of Digital Currency
The world is moving ever closer to digital currency for all. Although investors have watched...
The Value That Open Banking Brings to Each Market Player
Open banking fundamentally changes the landscape of the modern financial sector, stimulating all types...