The aftermath of Apple Pay – now what?
It’s fair to say that Apple knows how to successfully disrupt a sector. Their success with desktop...
Garages Are for Bands, Not for Cloud Service Providers
Some time back, the Goliaths of the cloud hosting business (you know who they are) put out the word to...
2015: Technology Predictions for the Investment Management Industry
Technology trends from the consumer world will drive incremental shifts for investment managers in 2015...
Newthink: Driving Business Growth in Banks via Investments in Regulatory Compliance
Over the last few years, there has been an overwhelming number of regulatory guidelines banks have had...
High Frequency Trading: Crying Wolf?
High-frequency trading (HFT) may be capturing the headlines, but there is a great deal of...
So far so good for T+2, but …
As the dust settles on the main part of the EU’s transition to T+2, the DTCC’s recent announcement...
FCA considerations are a reality check for suppliers and buyers
The FCA recently published a list of considerations for firms thinking of using third party technology...
Algorithmes de type franḉais
Just as we’re all getting used to the idea of having to flag algos on an EU-wide basis under MiFID II by...
Alternative payments Part 4: Searching for the perfect payment solution
The market size and app richness in the new payments area begs the question, where is this all going?...
The blueprint for risk data aggregation
To think of BCBS 239 as just another regulation is to misunderstand its end game. Solving the challenges...