As Banks Turn to Manage Non-financial Risk, Technology Will Be Key
Over the last few years non-financial risk has leapt up banks’ agendas. But many banks are unprepared to...
Blockchain: Can it Reduce Poverty?
Can blockchain curb poverty? It’s a bold, yet legitimate question some have tried to answer. I’m next in...
Next Steps in Bond Trading: All-to-All Matching Catching on?
Corporate bond trading platforms are in the news again. Platforms that have launched innovative all-...
MiFID II Marches On
The last day in March represented a significant milestone on the crowded MiFID II timeline, with the...
Compliant and Secure in the Financial Industry Cloud
Companies owning their servers are becoming increasingly rare. Instead, they’re fueling their business...
5 Easy Steps to a Better Collaborative Security Team
- 7 years 11 months ago 05:00 am
- Peter Dahlberg, Sales Lead, Security, Tieto Security Services at Tieto
Many companies are very cautious about sharing their security strategy and plans outside their own...
You Want the Red or the Blue Cheese?
I often make a keynote presentation – about two or three times a week – and try to change my...
3 Things You Should Know Before Adopting a Chatbot
We focus on the digital transformations of banks and get a lot of questions about the latest trends in...
Looking Forward To Retirement: Managing Duplicate Reporting Under CAT
- 7 years 11 months ago 04:00 am
- Maryse Gordon , Senior Pre Sales Consultant at UnaVista, Information Services
The SEC’s Rule 613, which created the Consolidated Audit Trail (CAT), is estimated to be the...
If You Liked It Then You Should Have Put a Chain on It
I tweeted this the other day, and it got a lot of likes, so I thought I’d make it today’s blog title....