Blockchain is a Call to Action for Organisations with Enormous Amounts of Data
The status quo of siloed data storage is unsustainable and the time to act is now. In the first...
Three Rules for Banking Bots
Writing more and more about chatbots, robots and AI, I can see a day coming in the not too distant...
Hyperledger Project: Collaboration Pays Off
Recently, I wrote that smaller blockchain consortia are needed (see my Blog: Towards smaller and more...
Digital is in our DNA
When you have your basic needs covered – food and shelter – what do you need then? According to...
PSD2 and API Banking: Are Banks Ready for the Challenge?
With the revised Payment Service Directive (PSD2) on the horizon, banking institutions are increasingly...
The Rise of the Regulatory Sandbox
- 7 years 10 months ago 08:00 am
- Ryoji Kashiwagi, Senior Researcher, Financial Digital Innovation Department at NRI
Regulatory sandboxes are gaining popularity as a framework for promoting financial innovation by...
Towards a Platform Approach — What Banks Need to Know
- 7 years 10 months ago 08:00 am
- Patrik Centellini, Head of Business Development Transaction Banking at Tieto
Open innovation is undoubtedly one of the drivers behind PSD2. However, the trend towards open banking...
Not All US Banks Are Against Open Banking
I blogged recently about American banks beating up the regulators to stop account access via...
A Division Of Labour For SIs?
The current debate between ESMA, the European Commission and market participants on the...
Enhancing the Buying Experience at Mobey Forum Rotterdam
Last week we hosted Mobey Forum’s largest ever member meeting at our Rotterdam office. We were...