How can Invoice Lenders get match fit to minimise future risk?
Hardly a day passes without there being a new report on shrinking manufacturing output, increasing costs...
Gartner and Blockchain: the Good, the Bad and the ....
- 5 years 5 months ago 02:00 am
- Carlo R.W. de Meijer, Economist and Researcher at De Meijer Independent Financial Services Advisory (MIFSA)
Last year Gartner, the high-standard research institute, painted a rather realistic scenario for...
Will ‘real rates’ loan searches ever be available to the sub-prime market?
Let’s talk about representative APRs. Those enticing little percentages that influence a consumer’s...
Banks that can help reduce financial risks in a user-friendly way can compete with any Tech player
Banks are technology companies with a banking license ! This claim and similar claims can be...
Why Financial Services Needs to Get Savvy about Soft Skills
The current wave of AI (Artificial Intelligence) adoption in the private and public sector is predicted...
Criminals cash in on new technology – so why don’t the gatekeepers?
As newer, more innovative technology enters the market, it is criminals, rather than law-abiding...
Innovation feast or famine: Why payment companies need a “modular” mindset
In the world of payments, introducing new services is a tiresome and complex process. Having a fast,...
Contactless gets a makeover in the UK
The deadline hanging over Europe is finally here. No, not Brexit, but PSD2’s September 14 mandate for...
Blockchain and the cashless society
It took 200 years before the invention of the printing press heralded the widespread use of modern...
Pioneers of the ‘think global, act local’ outlook
The term ‘global village’ has been in use since the 1960s, but the internet has really turbo-charged the...