What if Banks Go the Way of the Neighborhood Grocer?
To many in the banking industry, the short-term landscape is colored ominous and opportunistic in equal...
Delivering Financial Services Faster and Better: How BFSI can Leverage Agile Transformation
We live in an era of instant gratification. Everything we need has to be delivered on demand–anytime,...
Will 2018 Launch a New Era for Retail Banks?
Last year, retail banks increasingly debated how they would cope in a post-Payments Service Directive II...
Why Banks Must Digitally Transform in 2018 or Risk Fading Away
Wasting time means losing money. That is what digital era businesses cannot bear, and very soon...
Protecting an Open Banking World
- 6 years 10 months ago 02:00 am
- Mary Ann Miller, Senior Director, Fraud, Executive Advisor & Industry Relations at NICE Actimize
How can financial institutions adjust to the benefits and challenges of Open Banking? Interview with...
Payments Innovations And Standards - What Can Physics Teach Us?
In nature, change is constant and inevitable. It is also slow and mainly evolutionary. Everything looks...
Elevating IT in Financial Services
- 6 years 10 months ago 03:00 am
- Jason Bobb, Senior Vice President of Global Sales and Business Development at Canonical
CIOs of major banks and financial institutions are today facing a task equivalent to the feeding of the...
MiFID II’s Trading Hereafter: Systematic Internalizers & Block Venue
MiFID II went live on Jan. 3 without much fanfare, but the EU regulation is already shifting trading...
The role of procurement in mitigating risk and driving value in financial service
Operating in the financial services industry is tough. It’s one of the most competitive, cut-throat and...
Five Ways Dashboards are Invaluable in Helping Financial Marketers Prove ROI
Marketing in today’s financial industry is no mean feat. Financial marketers are confronted with the...