ACY GETS AUSSIE RIGHT: 70 from 77. What now?
I launched this forecast live on ausbiz TV at .7745 back in June. It was an aggressive forecast at...
Yo-Yo markets
Yo-Yo markets often end on a low. Down again, up again, the daily ranges of the US stock market are a...
Welcome to Payrolls Friday, Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!
Summary: Welcome to Payrolls Friday! The Dollar Index, a popular measure of the US currency’s...
JPY Extends Outperformance, AUD - Slip-Slidin’ Away, DXY Steadies
Summary: FX steadied while equity markets accelerated their downward slide after the United States...
Stocks Face Wave of Destruction Opportunity
The Australian stock market has a been going down for nearly four months now. We have been...
Working From Home: What Does It Mean for Your Taxes?
Businesses around the world are seeing the substantial benefits of remote working post-Covid-19. With...
Still Go Slow
WHO declares Omi "Very High Risk". Rally on new information. Now sell. Quick question, why are our...
Yen Advances on Omicron Uncertainty, AUD Slides, RISK-OFF
Summary: Risk aversion dominated financial markets after Fed Chair Jerome Powell signalled an...
The Global Economy is Slowing
- 3 years 3 months ago 02:00 am
- Clifford Bennett, Chief Economist | Word’s most accurate currency forecaster at ACY
It’s all about the clues in the price action and less about how severe the actual health impact will be...
Australian Un-employment and Fed Outlook Update
This is not the first time this has happened. Thoughts to all those involved this morning in...