Bitcoin’s History Explained
Image source: Bitcoin is one of the most talked-about subjects these days,...
Banking and Payment Certification Bodies: What, Why and How?
With the global digital payments market set to be worth some $8,059.3 billion by 2023, at a...
Four Tech Trends to Dominate the Financial Services Industry in 2021
Just one month into 2021 and there is no doubt it is going to be another year of continued disruption....
The Rise of Payment Orchestration - and Why Security Matters in a Crowded Payments Market
There was a time, not so long ago, when shopping was straightforward – you chose something, then handed...
Covid Report Verification - New Travel Restriction in Countries
As of today, more than 106 million coronavirus cases have been reported until now across the world. The...
Spotlight: Cashless Payments in Japan
The Japanese payments market has long been something of a paradox. On the one hand, Japan boasts the...
Banks Shouldn’t Siesta on Spanish FTT
As 2021 unfolds, the topic of tax is set to dominate headlines. Tax to recoup the costs of Covid, tax on...
Payments Predictions For The 2020s
- 4 years 6 days ago 05:00 am
- Dean Wallace, Director, Consumer Payments Modernisation at ACI Worldwide
Without a doubt, 2020 was a pivotal moment for payments. The rocky start to the decade saw the way we...
Data Analytics Strategies For The Future… And Beyond
Information is everywhere, we all know it and we all accept the ubiquitous proliferation of digital...
Taking a Human Approach to Tech Is Key to Business Success
Digitalisation has swept across the finance industry. Even insurance, a notoriously change-resistant...