Why You Need a Blockchain Transformation Now to Prepare for the Future of the Banking Industry
Are you transforming your organization with blockchain technology or will you be left behind by your...
Why Open Banking is Leading the Way on Payment Authorisation Rates
Open banking reached a significant milestone in July 2023, surpassing 11.4 million payments....
ISO 20022 Enhanced Data - The Golden Standard
ISO 20022 is an open global standard for financial information. It provides a more consistent,...
The Pioneering Companies Challenging Crypto’s Negative ESG Image
Let’s face it, the crypto industry’s image in terms of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) has...
Beyond the Numbers: UK Finance Leaders Grapple with Rising Wage Expectations
London has long been a global financial hub, often competing for the top spot alongside financial giants...
How the Finance Sector Can Maximise Retention and Increase ROI
There have been huge levels of transformation in almost all industries when it comes to serving and...
Is Low Code the Answer to Higher Payment Revenues for Banks?
As banks continue to grapple with the account-based payments processing model amid seemingly...
Automating Payments in the Legal Sector: Why the Time for Innovation is Now
When we picture the role of law firms in class action suits, we often think of lawyers going into bat in...
Will the EC’s New Payments Legislative Proposals Help Unlock Open Banking’s True Potential?
It’s now been a few months since the European Commission (EC) published its package of proposals for the...
FortKnoxster (FKX) and the Blockchain Revolution: Redefining Privacy Paradigms
In recent years, the digital landscape has witnessed a remarkable evolution, which has brought forth an...