How Can Banks Protect the New Generation of Online Bankers?
What consumer attitudes have changed during the pandemic when it comes to banking? "The...
Leveraging APIs for a Faster and More Efficient Future
As financial institutions become increasingly digitised, new ways are being created to make data rapidly...
SME Owners Must Recognise Fintech as an Investment, Rather Than a Cost
Following the recent Budget announcement, SMEs will have been buoyed by the extension of...
Geographical Fallacies: An Investor’s Sin
Often, investors make what I call a geographical fallacy: saying that they invest in a region, when, in...
As Crypto Goes Public, Here’s Why Connections Should Be Private
To the moon Crypto currencies have been on the rise for the past several months soaring to a global...
Financial Inclusion is Nothing without Security: Finding a Better Balance for Prepaid Cards
The use of prepaid cards is on the rise, and at first glance the trend seems completely understandable....
Where Digital Transformation is Stalled
With increasing competitive pressures from small and agile Fintech firms, financial institutions are...
Spring Clean Your Financial Plans
Know your budget A sound financial plan starts with knowing what comes in and what goes out of your...
Why Investment in Small UK Technology Companies in the 2020s Could Provide Sustainable Returns
- 3 years 10 months ago 05:00 am
- Andrew Aldridge , Partner and Head of Marketing at Deepbridge Capital
The UK is widely regarded as one of the greatest places to start an innovative tech company. This...
How SPACs are Changing the Horizon of Global Expansion
You can’t escape references to ‘SPACs’ at the moment. They’re a hot topic across the investment world...