Latest news

KNET Partners with Gemalto to Strengthen On-line Transaction Security in the Country
Pegasystems and Music Icon Sheryl Crow to raise funds for Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C)
Janus Capital Group Inc. and Henderson Group Complete Merger of Equals
OCBC Unveils Multi-feature Mobile Payments App
Chubb Appoints Kyle Bryant Regional Cyber Risk Manager For Europe
Visa Enhances Its Verified by Service
Iress and ITG Collaborate for Faster Analysis of Trading Costs
Axioma and FactSet to Deliver Market Risk Solutions for Mirova And Natixis Asset Management
Signicat Introduces MobileID Authentication
Bank of Sydney Partners with Fiserv To Improve Digital Banking Capabilities
Barclaycard Trials New ‘Pocket Checkout’ Payment Concept
Banco BNI Europa Invests in Portuguese Peer-to-Peer Platform Raize
European Trading Houses Are Challeged with Regulatory Burden
Grecoff Leaves Cinnober to Lead Surveillance Startup
 Google Selects Jumo for Launchpad Accelerator