
How to Keep Pace with Regulatory Change

Matt Beattie
Managing Director and Co-Founder at Beyond

Following my previous  see more

How Tech Can Meet the Challenges of Increased Market Surveillance

Helen Bevis
Director, Financial Markets Compliance at SteelEye

There is growing pressure across the financial services industry for firms to detect market abuse and ensure their companies protection against manipulative market risk. see more

Regulatory Relief in The USA: A Wolters Kluwer View

Linda Jamison
Product Manager of Regulatory Reporting for the Americas at Wolters Kluwer

Regulatory relief for mid-size banks in the US is here– and it’s a potential game changer when it comes to implementing the right regulatory reporting IT systems. see more

MiFID II Regulations to Impact U.S. Asset Managers

Ivy Schmerken
Editorial Director at FlexTrade

North American broker-dealers and asset managers domiciled in the U.S. are watching their European counterparts gear up for compliance with MiFID II. see more

Mexico Blues

Steve Grob
Director of Group Strategy at Fidessa

Back from a couple of weeks in Mexico where it seemed the whole world was going steadily insane (or maybe that was just the tequila). see more

America’s Banking Regulations Strangle Innovations

Chris Skinner
Chairman at The Financial Services Club

Only three new banks have opened in the United States since 2010. see more

GDPR Implementation - Ready, Set, Go!

Simon Stickley
Principal Consultant at Capco

It’s a major regulatory development and there are just two years to prepare for compliance. see more

CFTC Keeps Source on the Menu

Henri Pegeron
Derivatives Compliance, Futures and Options at Fidessa

Open commentary for Regulation AT is now officially over, see more

Tackling Regulation and Compliance Issues in the Financial Services Sector – There is Help at Hand

Said Tabet
Lead, Governance Risk and Compliance Strategy at EMC

2016 is set to be another milestone year in financial services (FS). see more
