
Unbundling versus Best Ex

Steve Grob
Director at Group Strategy at Fidessa

So, the September date looms for ESMA’s final clarification on unbundling. What seems evident is that payment for research with trading commissions is definitely going to be out. see more

ISDA AGM 2015: Fragmentation, harmonization and standardization

Paul Gibson and Kara McCaleb
Business Consultant at European investment bank

In April, Sapient Global Markets, along with other market participants, descended on Montreal for ISDA’s 30th Annual General Meeting.  As noted in our  see more

Risk technology: spend your budget on the carrots, don't waste it on the stick

Anthony Pereira
CEO at Percentile

The financial crisis exposed a number of weaknesses in the financial industry’s ability to assess, realise and mitigate risk on a very public scale. see more
