
Utilising Technology For Digital Access Ubiquity

Marius Costin
Head of EMEA High Velocity & US Sales at PayU

The year 2020 will go down in the history books as a transformational one for the financial services industry. see more

How Merchants Can Keep Up in a New Age of Payment Innovation

James Booth
VP Head of Partnerships, EMEA at PPRO

Recent months have brought momentous change for businesses across the globe. Needless to say, the pandemic has had a colossal impact on the retail sector in particular. see more

Cash and Digital Payments – a Balancing Act to Aid Financial Inclusion

Matthew Jackson
Head of Partner Development, EMEA at PPRO

The cashless debate is one that continues to spark both conversation and controversy. see more

Why Bitcoin is Unlikely to Replace Global Reserve Currency

Craig Harbour
Senior Digital Marketing Executive at Webevents

Ever since the establishment of a global monetary system in the wake of World War II, the world’s economy has been centred on the US Dollar (USD) as the single most dominant reserve currency. see more

Data and Identity Management in a Cashless Society

Matthew Williamson
VP of Global Financial Services at Mobiquity

COVID-19: Going cashless for health see more

COVID-19 Has Accelerated Innovation In Payments – But How?

Lauren Jones
International Payments Ambassador at Icon Solutions

COVID-19 has been a major stress test for digital transformation. Merchants have had to ramp up their e-commerce, delivery and card-not-present capabilities. see more

Has Lockdown Marked the End of Cash as We Know It?

James Booth
VP of Payment Partnerships EMEA at PPRO

Since the start of the pandemic, businesses around the world have drastically changed their operations to protect employees and customers. see more

A sleeping Digital Giant Wakes? 4 Key Trends Accelerating Payments Transformation in the US

Lauren Jones
International Payments Ambassador at Icon Solutions

The US payments industry is undoubtedly ripe for change. see more

The Death of the Wallet: Why We’ll Soon Be Combining Payments, Loyalty Cards and ID

Vince Graziani
CEO at IDEX Biometrics ASA

These days, the average consumer has multiple cards weighing down their pockets, from debit and credit cards, loyalty schemes, contactless public transport tickets, IDs, healthca see more
