Product Profile

Language Support:
United KingdomGermany
Technology Category: Trading Systems Banking Transaction Banking Cash Management Liquidity Management Fund /Asset Management
Product/Service Description
Qbonds is valantic's high-performance solution for electronic bond trading. Market making, bond pricing, as well as the connection to electronic markets, exchanges and data platforms (e.g. Reuters, Bloomberg, Eurex and MTS) are integrated into one application.
Customer Overview
Total Number of customers 14
Customer Size Large Enterprise , Medium , SMB
Customer Type Central Banks , FXs , Investment Banks , Prime Brokers & Dealers
Target Market Africa , Asia , Europe , Global , North America
Specific georgaphical coverage undisclosed
Demo & Case Study Urls
- Complete solution for pricing, quoting and trading of bonds like cds, etf, rates and more
- The “visual separation” of quotes and instruments on different screens enables the trader to manage quotes individually
Platform & Workflow
Server OS Linux (Red Hat, Mandrake, Debian, SuSe, etc.) , Solaris (Sun Microsystems) , UNIX NetWare (Novell) , Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard/Enterprise/Datacentre/Web Server/Small Business (Microsoft) , Windows Server 2008 (Microsoft)
Workstation OS Windows , Unix , Linux
Programming Language and API undisclosed
SetUp and Installation Options undisclosed
Deployment Period undisclosed
Reporting Capabilities
Security Options secured
The product/service compliant with the following regulatory standards Algo-Trading , Basel II , BASEL III , EMIR , MIFID , SEPA
Connectivity, Hosting and Intergration
Hosting Option Hosted by third party , Inhouse , Hosted by provider
Hosting provider it depends of the requirements
Devices Supported Windows
Compatibility with Database Management System (DBMS) yes
Third party integration yes
Support Services
Support Option Online Support , Phone Support
Support Location 1
Country Germany
Address Mittelstraße 10
Phone 0391/598090