Instinet achieves #5 ranking among cash equities brokers in Europe

  • 23.02.2015 12:00 am

Instinet Europe Limited (IEL) today announced its number five ranking, by customer market share, among cash equities brokers in Europe, according to a research report published by Markit.
Instinet was the only firm in the top ten to climb the rankings in 2014, increasing market share from 6% to 10%, doubling its traded client volumes in Europe last year and seeing volumes worth €990bn compared to €486bn in 2013.  Instinet saw growth in large, mid and small cap equity securities.
“We have seen growth across our entire client base in Europe over the past year, which includes institutions, broker dealers and low-latency users. This rise in the rankings, not only demonstrates our momentum for further growth, but also the client support we continue to receive,” said Adam Toms, CEO of Instinet Europe Limited. “Our institutional accounts have also contributed significantly to our CSA platform growth, where European client balances have more than doubled in the past year, as accounts look to align to future regulation.”
“This top five ranking not only solidifies Instinet’s position as a leading global agency broker, but is also a testament to the client demand for transparent, agency-driven execution,” said Jonathan Kellner, CEO of Instinet Incorporated. View the full 2014 rankings published by Markit >

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