Five Tips to Convert Cloud Sceptics

  • Monica Visconti-Patel, Senior Director of Sales and Marketing, EMEA at RingCentral

  • 23.03.2016 12:15 pm
  • Cloud

There's no denying that we're in the middle of a cloud craze but behind all the hype, does investment in cloud software really deliver a return? How much of the buzz around cloud is a promise of possible benefits, and how much of it is reality? To decipher what's tangible and what's pie in the sky, I've put together a list of five reasons why cloud adoption is important, according to the facts.

Freedom from responsibility and costs
When you move services to a cloud provider, you immediately relinquish some control over your data and processes. However, you also instantly free yourself from the cost of hardware and server management, as well as gaining back the time and manpower that it would ordinarily take to run IT systems. In fact, 84% of CIOs say that they've saved on application costs by moving to the cloud.

Initial cloud hiccups are in the past
In the earliest stages of cloud adoption, bandwidth was an expensive endeavor and quality over-the-top solutions were not readily available. Cloud-based phone systems have become cheaper alternatives to traditional telephony methods and they now function just as well after several years of trial, error and innovation. This is equally true for any sized business, from SMBs to multinational enterprises.

Take back control from your devices
Companies without cloud-based tools are often dependent on fixed-line devices to access corporate data or software. Cloud adoption frees workers from the confines of their deskphones and PCs, enabling the staff to access company software and data on the move from their personal devices.

Support for remote workers and freelancers
Gone are the days where working from home meant spotty access and expensive cell phone bills. Cloud adoption has made it truly feasible to work from home, or anywhere you go, without having to compromise the quality of experience. In the UK, the Professional Contractors Group estimates that there are 1.4 million British freelancers working across all sectors, representing a 14% growth in the past decade. Remote employees and freelancers can both have a quality experience that matches an office environment without forfeiting access to company or client projects and software stored in the cloud.

Access to enterprise systems
Integration with other SaaS systems is happening before our eyes but it's almost entirely happening in the cloud. Cloud adoption offers greater access to integrations that give access to entire enterprise systems. Without the cloud, software remains extremely siloed.

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