Judopay helping to #KeepBritainMoving with latest webinar of business success stories

  • Payments
  • 23.04.2020 10:34 am

Judopay, a leading mobile-first payment provider, has announced its latest live webinar that will feature businesses that will share success stories on how they are adapting to the drastic changes during COVID-19. The webinar will be held on Thursday 30th April at 2pm BST and can be registered for here.

The webinar, entitled 'Success Stories - How businesses have adapted during COVID-19', will feature Neil Garner, Founder and CEO of Thyngs, and Jack Tang, Co-Founder and CEO of Urban. Both speakers will talk about the changes they made, how they will continue to adapt and what they expect in the coming weeks.

Forming part of Judopay's #KeepBritainMoving campaign, the aim of the webinar is to inspire fellow businesses so that they can learn from pitfalls, highlights and novel ideas, during these uncertain times.

To register for the webinar, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/webinar-success-stories-how-businesses-have-adapted-during-covid-19-tickets-102663904502. To learn more about Judopay's participation in the #KeepBritainMoving initiative, please visit: www.judopay.com/keep-britain-moving.


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