Users of Jiffy service by Sia are increasing

  • Payments
  • 04.06.2018 01:38 pm

The possibilities for paying via smartphone are increasing:
major retail chains, following individual merchants, are choosing SIA’s service 

Banca di Asti and Biver Banca among the most recent to join the 130-strong subscriber banks

Jiffy, the service developed by SIA to pay, send and receive money in real time from one’s smartphone using the mobile number now has more than 5 million users also thanks to the recent boost given by UBI Banca and Gruppo Banca Carige to its spread among their customers.

According to the latest figures, the average value of a Jiffy transaction is around €50.

Following on from the “Person to Person” (P2P) payments available since 2015, last year Jiffy landed in Italian stores, enabling users to pay via app instantly and in total security, also at major retail chains like Iper, La grande i.​

Jiffy can be used on smartphones with Android and iOS operating systems and stands out for its speed and user-friendliness. The user must hold a current account at a participating bank. To activate the service, the same user needs to register on his or her bank’s website and download the app provided by the bank itself.

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