Fintech specialist Leetchi Group acquired by Crédit Mutuel Arkéa

  • M&A Deals
  • 22.09.2015 01:00 am

Today, Leetchi Group is proud to announce its acquisition by Crédit Mutuel Arkéa. The bank has acquired 86 percent of the French fintech organisation and founding company of MANGOPAY. As part of the deal, Crédit Mutuel Arkéa will also invest €10 million into the Leetchi Group to boost growth. The remaining 14 percent of the business will be retained by Céline Lazorthes, founder and CEO of Leetchi Group, and its existing management and will remain autonomous and lead business operations.

Since being founded in 2009, Leetchi Group has gone on to provide exceptional online payment technologies for both the B2C and B2B markets. In 2013 it founded MANGOPAY, opening its London office in January 2015, to process payments for marketplaces and crowdfunding platforms. Along with the group has processed over €100 million in 2014 and will aim to double this volume for 2015.

Today, MANGOPAY services more than 700 clients across 22 countries and is due to open new offices across Europe, beginning with Barcelona and Berlin. Meanwhile and the Leetchi Group double its existing staff numbers from 40 over the next two years and accelerate product development for both brands.

Nine months since MANGOPAY opened in London, more than 100 UK customers including Vinted, Liftshare, Depop, Property Moose and Go Get Funding have selected MANGOPAY’s payment solution. The acquisition will see MANGOPAY sustain strong growth from this platform and accelerate it with a number of new hires in London.

Céline Lazorthes, founder and CEO of Leetchi Group comments: “I am extremely proud to see Leetchi Group acquired by the Crédit Mutuel Arkéa Group. I believe that this operation will give our group the opportunity to strengthen our international development rapidly by allowing us to further improve our technology and to better service our customers.”

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