Ayondo Dedicates $250k for Social Trading Championship

  • Trading Systems
  • 24.01.2017 11:00 am

Financial technology group ayondo has opened up registrations for its second Social Trading Championship, with up to USD 250,000 worth of prizes to be won.

This year’s edition will have an even bigger international competition, following 2016’s event, with well over 300 participants and thousands of dollars’ worth of prizes awarded to Top Traders.

The ayondo Social Trading Championship will be accessible on next-tradingstar.com in English, German, Spanish and Chinese, from anywhere in the world. ayondo has over 1,400 Top Traders whose trades are automatically executed on their Followers’ accounts (ayondo.com). All trading signals from the competition will be published on the ayondo Social Trading platform.

“The concept of the ayondo Social Trading Championship distinguishes itself from other trading challenges, which are more short-term orientated and primarily labelled through high returns that are achieved with virtual capital,” said Sarah Brylewski, Chief Marketing Officer of ayondo. “ayondo uses its championship to support risk-aware Social Trading signal providers, whose trading strategies are focused on sustainability and a continuous performance increase.”

Top Traders on ayondo can earn additional income by publishing their trading signals, and remuneration is based on the trading volume of their Followers. With a minimum deposit of £1,000/$1,000, Top Traders acquire Real Money Trader status, which often attracts Followers as Real Money Traders are less likely to take unnecessary risks with their own money. Real Money Traders enter their trading signals via ayondo’s award-winning trading platform, TradeHub®. Top Traders climb ayondo’s unique Trading Career, which rewards a consistent performance and allows Followers to find traders who best fit their risk appetite.

The Social Trading Championship’s sign-up deadline is 6 February 2017, when the competition officially begins. It will run till 1 February 2018, covering the entire ayondo Trading Career, which lasts 360 days. The Early Bird trading phase is currently ongoing, which means that those who have registered can immediately start trading. Those who are interested can learn more and register at www.next-trading-star.com.

For each career level successfully completed for the first time, Real Money Traders win prizes which include the book “Market Wizards” by Jack D. Schwager, 12 months free access to Sentiment Trader, and 6 months access to the signal service 3markets. Upon reaching level 5, Real Money Traders are entitled to a part of the grand prize pool. The pool amount is based on the number of participants in the championship. Therefore:
• 0-99 participants: $25,000 
• 100-499 participants: $50,000 
• 500-999 participants: $150,000 
• Over 1,000 participants: $250,000

A risk-free start with virtual money is also possible, although Virtual Money Traders are not eligible to receive prizes for level completions. However, they do have the chance to upgrade to Real Money Trader status before the end of career level 2 and so be entitled to prizes.

ayondo is encouraging more participants to register and start trading, as this means that the platform is enriched with more Top Traders, and the prize money also increases. All participants have access to high quality webinars and platform tutorial videos to maximise their trading championship experience.

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